
Business card design

За мой клиент създадох частична бранд идентичност. Тя предлага счетоводни и финансови услуги и консултации. Графичните елементи, които подготвих за нея са бизнес картичка, мобилна визитка и фирмена бланка, на която да изготвя оферти, договори и спавки за настоящите и бъдещите си клиенти.

Here is the time to explain and highlight what is a mobile business card and why is it useful?

The mobile business card is something that changes the way we share information about our services. Its size is intended to be sent as a message through various social channels and to fit the dimensions of a mobile device. It combines convenience and professionalism in one small but powerful tool.

  • Convenience: The mobile business card is always with us, no matter where we are. Thanks to technology, we can quickly and easily share it through electronic messages and social networks.
  • Time saving: We don't need to print hundreds of paper business cards and carry them with us. The mobile business card can be changed and updated with ease without having to place new orders.
  • Environmental friendliness: With the mobile business card, we reduce the use of paper and help protect the environment.
  • Professionalism: The mobile business card presents our business in a modern and innovative light, which emphasizes our willingness to adopt new trends and technologies.

The mobile business card is the future of business communication and it's time to implement it in our companies. Together we can create dynamic and professional business cards to take with you everywhere and connect with clients and partners with ease.

Графична визия на визитна картичка, мобилна визитка и фирмена бланка

Thanks for making my ideas come true! Thanks for getting a feel for exactly how I want things to look!


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