
Web design for an eye clinic

As the web designer for Licht Eye Clinic, I developed a brand identity that embodied their commitment to precision and care for their patients' vision.

Their website is designed on WordPress and is user-friendly on laptop, tablet, and mobile devices. Its navigation is structured to conveniently find the information you are looking for. Basic good practices for SEO optimization are applied.

Since speed is key in the digital realm, modules have been added to the website to ensure that pages load quickly.

Following the GDPR and the privacy guarantee to users, I have integrated a GDPR banner and cookies, incl. Cookie Policy, highlighting their commitment to transparency and protecting customer data.

Finding the eye clinic is essential and just a click away thanks to the integrated Google navigation.

Welcome to the online space of Licht Eye Clinic!

Мокъп на уеб сайта на очна клиника Лихт


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